Dec 29, 2010 by Anonymous
There are endless musical possibilities to ponder for your New Years plans. If bluegrass is high on the list, then think about some Greensky. No, I’m not talking about the use of psychedelics while listening to bluegrass music. I am talking about the band Greensky Bluegrass, the quintet that hails from Kalamazoo, Michigan. Where in the world is Kalamazoo you ask? Ok, so hold up your left hand with the palm facing away from you and point to the lower portion of your hand, pinky side. Right around there. If you aren’t from the Midwest or are unfamiliar with how Michiganites (or Wisconsinites for that matter) show where they are from, then none of that made any sense. In such case, just skip over that last part and continue along. Bluegrass is a genre...
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